About Us

Maharashtra Chapter

Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction

A warm welcome to the platform of MSR – a culmination of dynamism, commitment and knowledge. The team MSR 2023-2025 embodies all these and more and I am privileged indeed to lead such a team!

The most important duty and role of MSR as a state chapter of ISAR, is to disperse cutting-edge knowledge and technology involved in assisted reproduction to every corner of Maharashtra.

My vision for the next two years is – ‘seek, strengthen, support and succeed’. Caring for infertile couples involves holding these young peoples’ hands through a most challenging period of their lives. This is both an empowering and humbling experience. To provide them with the best of the care, we will seek knowledge through clinical research; strengthen the clinics by providing quality education to embryologists; set standards for uniform care by training opportunities for IVF nurses and clinic staff. This will provide a balanced and holistic approach to the care and management of infertile women and men all across Maharashtra.

Our efforts are incomplete without an ongoing participation of the public and we will reach out to the society through very informative and dedicated public awareness programs the importance of our lifestyle for optimal fertility. I look forward to these two years for serving both the specialists and the society.

Warm regards,
Dr. Padma Rekha Jirge

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